Pancake Bunny: Discord Review

June 20th — July 4th

4 min readJul 3, 2021

Michael always says K-I-S-S. Keep It Simple, Stupid. Great advice, hurts my feelings every time.

—Dwight, The Office

↑My official motto for this post↑

I’ve always been told by the crypto OGs that “bear market leads to bull development” — but what about a crab market?

Well, it turns out, “crab market leads to bunny development”!

Bunny-Crab painting by a local artist. ©2021, if Bunny team wishes to use this in their future designs, please contact me.

Btw, no post last week. It was a swirling whirlpool of chaos when I sat down to write it and it’s tough to reflect and review when you’re in the middle of the storm.

This week’s review will K-I-S-S and center on a few of the new Discord Server changes and channels: 1) Polybunny channel, 2) MND channel, 3) Suggestions….plus, there’s a special teaser at the end of the post!

1) PolyBunny! (PolyB? pBunz? just never pBunny)

Bunny decides it’s time for an open-chain relationship.

Polybunny had the pre-sale ETH deposits last week and everyone was buzzing with questions and debates about when they were going to deposit their ETH and lock in those tasty rewards.

Then…the 3K ETH limit hit. Discord bunnies were scramblin’, but luckily most people had enough time to move some funds around and get in before the cap was reached just a few hours after the announcement.

Naturally this led to some saltiness.

Looking back, the “surprise cap” made sense though. The “cap” was to make sure those giant ETH whales didn’t move in with their 4B ETHs at the last moment to dominate the market. The “surprise” was to make sure those giant ETH whales didn’t just drop in 3K ETH at the very beginning.

A similar event occurred the next week for the PolyBunny official liquidity release. Excitement was building. Everyone was preparing funds and bridging over through xpollinate (0.05% fee, stables only) and evodefi (0.5% fee). They announced PolyBunny would be liquid at a certain time…and then it became liquid two hours before that time. If you were ready and in front of the computer, you got some cheap PolyBs. If you were waiting to jump in at the exact release time, you got some slightly more expensive PolyBs.

Two lessons learned from the PolyBunny experience: 1) if we’re not going to be constantly connected to these project’s announcements, it helps to have friends who are, and 2) expect the unexpected.

I imagine if they had released PolyBunny liquidity at exactly the UTC time they had posted, there would have been a much different result in the first couple hours. The team wants to stay a little unpredictable. I like it.

2) Mound!

One thing they haven’t changed plans on, however, is the release of the new Mound utility token. There’s a new channel in Discord dedicated to this precious Mound and one common question of the week was “So I just swapped all my Bunny to this Mound thing — what is it?”

The simplest answer is that it’s a Bunny ETF — your MND token will allow you to reap (monthly?) rewards from all of the Bunny projects, both ongoing and upcoming. In 6 months, they might make it liquid for buying/selling purposes, but until then holders should just consider it a deluxe farming-only token.

All of the Bunny tokens being swapped will be locked in the vault for 24 months, which creates an elevated price floor for Bunny along with potential buy-pressure. MND holders will take a vote in 24 months about what to do with all of those prisoner Bunnies.

Risk factors as discussed in Discord → 1) lack of liquidity (can’t sell your MND), 2) long-term Mound viability + long-term defi viability (6 months is FOREVER in defi!), and 3) a current lack of clarity on how the reward system will work or on the amount of rewards.

Reward factors as discussed in Discord → 1) diversification of rewards into all of Bunny’s blossoming projects, 2) potential high value of MND token if it becomes liquid (though if it’s valuable you might want to hold on to it), and 3) voting and participation in the MND community / team as it grows.

Editor’s note: sigh…as I type this up, the team has just released an FAQ on MND. Whatever, I’m keeping this part in!

3) Suggestions from our Discord Channel

→ Is it time to drop the “Pancake” in “Pancake Bunny”? We’re not just a pancake people anymore.

→ Stable coin pools for PolyB! — we know more pools are coming, but we are hungry for them now!

→ Additional utility for MND tokens beyond farming, eg “Increased odds in bunny pot, avoid withdrawal fees, early access to mound projects, etc” — this is my fav! Disclaimer: I am all in on MND.

→ Finding a way to lower the inflationary properties of MND’s underlying assets. This one has been elevated to the dev team, yay!

4) Degen’s Delight Series

Two weeks brings two dishes from our Discord Crypto Chef.

Bunny Burger (not made from actual bunny meat), price 1/6 of a PolyB
Bunny beans with rice (not made from actual bunny beans), price 1/7 of a PolyB

If you’ve made it this far, I’ve got a teaser for you. It was hinted this week that Qubit could get its own separate dedicated discord server. That’s a good indicator of the scope and power of Qubit!




A place for quiet reflection on all my DeFi experiences.