Decentralized Finance and the Dopamine Connection: The Thrills and Risks

3 min readSep 19, 2023

Last week was Crypto Tribalism; today, we’re diving into another behavioral finance topic: the connection between dopamine and decentralized finance (DeFi).

Understanding Dopamine

First, a quick recap. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a chemical in our brains that plays a crucial role in reward-motivated behavior. It’s often referred to as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter because it’s associated with pleasurable sensations, motivation, and reinforcement learning.

The Dopamine Rush in DeFi

Crypto bear market entrants may not see the connection with the DeFi they know, but bull market fomo fiends know the feeling all too well: dopamine is all about the thrill of making money fast. DeFi platforms offer users the opportunity to stake, lend, borrow, and trade cryptocurrencies, often with the promise of high returns. This potential for significant financial gains triggers the release of dopamine in our brains when we make profitable decisions.

1. Trading and Speculation: When you’re trading on a DeFi platform and you see your assets’ value skyrocket, it’s like hitting a jackpot. That surge of dopamine reinforces the behavior, making you want to trade more and chase those gains.

2. Yield Farming and Staking: Yield farming and staking can be addictive. The promise of passive income and high yields keeps users engaged, constantly checking their investments for updates. Each reward received acts as a dopamine “reward” that keeps you coming back for more.

3. Community and Social Validation: In the DeFi space, community plays a significant role. The dopamine rush isn’t just from making money; it’s also from being part of a thriving community, sharing ideas, and gaining social validation when your strategies succeed.

The Dark Side of Dopamine in DeFi

While the dopamine rush can be exhilarating, it can also lead to some serious risks and problems in the DeFi space.

1. Risky Decision-Making: Dopamine can impair your judgment, leading to impulsive decisions. In the volatile world of DeFi, impulsive actions can result in significant losses. “This pool is 25% APR, but that one is 1500%. Quick maffs says I should do the 1500%.”

2. Addiction and Overtrading: The constant need for that dopamine hit can turn DeFi users into addicts, making them overtrade or take excessive risks to keep the excitement going. “Market looks flat from here…I’m bored…I’ll just take a cheeky long and see where it goes.”

3. Scams, Shoddy Ideas, and Shady Projects: The thrill of quick gains can blind users to potential scams, bad ideas, and risky projects in the DeFi ecosystem. The promise of “get rich quick” schemes can override caution and due diligence. OHM-fork season, anyone? (3,3) bebe.


In the world of decentralized finance, dopamine plays a significant role in how we perceive, interact with, and even become addicted to these platforms. While the prospect of financial rewards is undoubtedly enticing, it’s essential to be aware of the neurological factors at play and the potential downsides.

As responsible participants in the DeFi space, we must strike a balance between seeking financial gains and managing the risks associated with our actions. Understanding the dopamine connection can help us make more informed decisions, reducing the chances of falling victim to impulsive behaviors, poor planning, and scams. So, stay informed, stay cautious, and enjoy the world of DeFi responsibly.




A place for quiet reflection on all my DeFi experiences.